March 7, 2011

Daddy's night

i love to have the schedule that we have. my husband and i switch every other day to put the girls to bed so i can get a night off. they do so well for him and its soo cute.  <3

February 18, 2011

coolest giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's In My Purse
{and a giveaway & discount}

Every year I make a New Years resolution
to get myself organized.
Like clock work, on January 1st,
I head out to Target and buy about ten giant rubber bins
with lofty hopes of down sizing, color coding, labeling,
and packing away the clutter in my life.

And every year the clutter just transers into the bins,
unorganized, unlabeled and certainly not color coded.
While my intentions are good,
my execution is rather pathetic.

So this year, I thought why not
start small.
Ignore the garage,
put off the closet,
set aside the junk drawers
and start with something
a bit more...managable.

Like my purse.

{purse: Urban Outfitters}

Wherein there is no organization whatsoever.
Rather, my purse serves as a catchall for all things Baby W.
See what I mean:

{diapers, yogurt melts, wipes, animal crackers, antibacterial gel, wallet, pencil, cell phone case}

{tampons, sucker, crumpled biz cards, loose change, random pebbles and dirt}

And you can always count on random coinsgum wrappers and receipts to be floating around in the chaos.

So STEP ONE in getting my purse organized,
was actually compiling all the goods I actually need in my purse.

{diaper and wipes case, pencil, car keys, wallet, lip gloss, antibacterial gel, toy keys, sun glasses, baby bottle}

STEP TWO: Pick up one of these SUPER fabulous

It has slots for EVERYTHING--even a baby bottle!

And then, it fits perfectly into your purse!
The BEST part--when I want to switch purses, I don't need to spend 30 minutes transferring all my junk. I just pull out my Purse Bling purse pocket and put it in my new purse--done!

Purse Bling carries all different sizes to fit your many purses.

And their online shop has literally hundreds of other products and styles you will love. This purse clip is next on my list, because who wants nasty germies all over the bottom of their purse--ick!

And now YOU get the chance to
WIN a rad Purse-To-Go
just like mine {you can pick your own pattern}
OR you can pick anything else in their shop up to a $25 value!

Can't wait, or want some other goodies from the Purse Bling Shop,
be sure to use your discount:
10% OFF
coupon code: MISS

A few other goodies on my "want" list:
A diaper organizer, designed  to slip into your purse!

Diaper/Wipes clutch

Visit Purse Bling here.

Here's How You WIN:
{be sure to leave a separate comment for each thing completed}

1. Visit the Purse Bling Shop and come back here and tell me your favorite item.

2. LIKE Purse Bling on Facebook and leave a comment on their wall saying you came from LMM.

3. Leave a comment that you stopped by from LMM on the Purse Bling Blog.

4. Publicly follow the Little Miss Momma blog.

5. LIKE Little Miss Momma on facebook.

6. Blog, Tweet, Facebook a link to this giveaway and then come back here and leave a link of your post {up to 3 entries}.

The winner will be announced on February 25, 2011.

February 8, 2011

Hair Flares

i seen these amazing hair sparkles called hair flares on Oprah and oh my gosh they are soo cute. soo fun too. check them out!!!!!! here is the link